Direct Surface 3D / Nov 2019

Traditional 3D murals and street paintings, direct to surface.

Office space mural
by Sean Fitzpatrick

3D chalk, street paintings and murals painted direct to surface

The frequency of direct surface 3d chalk or street paintings has dropped significantly over the last 20 years. New or updated anti graffiti laws from coast to coast has had the largest impact on these activations. Even though the number of these direct surface activations has dropped off there is an ever growing market within the private sector that has seen the value high end street art brings to their property value and aesthetics.

3D murals account for the vast majority of direct surface applications. They can range in size from a few dozen square feet to hundreds of square feet.

If you own commercial real estate and are not taking advantage of 3d murals you are missing a huge opportunity.


We are currently experiencing a street art and mural boom here in the US. What started a local grass roots call to artists has spread from county to county from New York to Oklahoma to Austin, Chicago,Las Vegas, LA, San Francisco, back to Miami, DC. You get the picture. What has evolved is some of the newest freshest outdoor public art in 100 years.

We are extremely fortunate to be part of that movement and look forward to opening up our 3d street art services to the masses

Direct surface 3d chalk and street paintings on private property.

Certain trade show venues across the US will allow direct surface chalk on their property provided you are the show host or primary venue client. If you are merely exhibiting at a show you would be best served by selecting our modular 3d street art